Touch Base sessions

Touch Base Wednesday 13th of November

Playground Games & Activities

Touch Base Wednesday 2nd of October

Lapbooks are great for your hands-on learner! Flaps, tabs, mini-books and so much more make a regular set of folders and paper burst with life. If the children you are teaching are hands-on learners, Lapbooks are the perfect choice for assessing knowledge, review, or just plain educational fun. Read more 

For the Powerpoint with more images click here

Sssshhht, people at work!

Everyone is on task!

The next 'Touch Base' session will be held on Wednesday 2nd of October 2013.
Who is it for? Teachers from groups 1 - 4
Where is it? Achterom 152, Hilversum
What time? 14.00 - 15.30 hrs

Please reserve your place before the 27th of September by sending an email to The maximum number of places is 20 on a first come first served basis.

NB: You are reminded that there are limited parking spaces. You can try parking at the Aloysius College. From there it is a 5-minute-walk to Achterom 152.

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