woensdag 10 september 2014

Blog update

You might have noticed that the links to the Early English Curriculum for all year groups came up with an error. These should be working properly now. Just click on the cover image and it will take you to the Sharepoint page where the files are saved. The documents are also no longer password protected.

The dates for your diary and school calendar for 2014-2015 is also back up including all the ETTP dates.

The Early English team is working on a new and improved format for the Early English Curriculum. The teaching suggestions in the current curriculum will be written out in a 'lesson plan format' with hyperlinks to suggested materials. This will reduce your planning time considerably as it will take you directly to the materials and resources database on Sharepoint. To see what this new format is going to look like, just click on the image.

The aim is to re-design the existing curriculum as we move through the year, and should be completely finished by the end of the school year. 

We welcome any feedback you may have on the new format!!

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