Teacher Training abroad

If you would like to attend a methodology course abroad you will find a great number of language schools that offer interesting courses. In the next couple of weeks I will be posting a selection of schools and courses they offer so keep checking this page.

Below you can already find some information about the Primary Methodology course at Pilgrims Language School in Canterbury that has been part of the ETTP programme since 2010. 

Pilgrims Course Canterbury, England

What is Pilgrims? Pilgrims is a small private educational institute that runs short courses to train teachers in the teaching of English.

The Course ETTP students take a week long course called Creative Methodology for Primary Teachers. The course gives you lots of fun practical ideas that you can use in the classroom. Typical subject areas: Multiple Intelligences, Storytelling and Using Music and Drama.

Course Structure Monday to Friday. Lessons in the morning beginning at 9.00 am. Lunch. Lessons in the afternoon finishing at around 3.30 pm.

Canterbury is a wonderful old town with lots of history. Trips are usually arranged to the superb cathedral and to other parts of the town.

Practical Information The trip is free to ETTP participants. The flight is usually on the Sunday before the beginning of the course, flying back the following Friday evening or Saturday morning. Airport transfers are arranged to Canterbury town centre and back to the airport. From Canterbury town centre you make your way to your host family, your base for the week. Staying with a host family means you can continue practising your English. In previous years, ETTP participants have found that their English has greatly improved as a result.
In general, Pilgrims is a really fun, useful experience - lots of ideas during the day and in the evening a chance to unwind in one of England’s most charming towns.  

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