donderdag 25 april 2013

Mother's Day

And so we roll on from Easter towards Mother's Day, with some Koninginnedag (last year!) in between.

It's a shame that Mother's Day this year is in the May holiday and that we didn't manage to plan an English activity/lesson. Saying that, some of you might have organised something yourself, like the Titus Brandsmaschool in Hilversum. There, in group 1, Ans has written a short rhyme for the children to recite on Mother's Day. She has asked all the fathers to keep practising during the holidays so it will be perfect on the day! (get a tissue ready, mums!)

Although Ans was a bit worried that she had bitten off more than she could chew, she stuck with it and suddenly the children made a click with the rhyme.
This morning I went in to see the progress for myself and was lucky to have the chance to film one of the children. I just had to share this with you all.

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