woensdag 17 september 2014

Fly swat monsters

We all know that the children love playing the 'fly swat' game. Why not give the normally dull fly swats a 'monster make-over' and stick some funny stickers on them?

woensdag 10 september 2014

Blog update

You might have noticed that the links to the Early English Curriculum for all year groups came up with an error. These should be working properly now. Just click on the cover image and it will take you to the Sharepoint page where the files are saved. The documents are also no longer password protected.

The dates for your diary and school calendar for 2014-2015 is also back up including all the ETTP dates.

The Early English team is working on a new and improved format for the Early English Curriculum. The teaching suggestions in the current curriculum will be written out in a 'lesson plan format' with hyperlinks to suggested materials. This will reduce your planning time considerably as it will take you directly to the materials and resources database on Sharepoint. To see what this new format is going to look like, just click on the image.

The aim is to re-design the existing curriculum as we move through the year, and should be completely finished by the end of the school year. 

We welcome any feedback you may have on the new format!!

vrijdag 5 september 2014

We're back!

With great positivity and lots of new energy we are giving our Early English blog a new leash of life. By 'following' the blog you will receive messages as soon as they appear and you will up to date with information about the latest resources, websites, interesting new tools for language teaching, etc.

If you don't know how to do this, you can follow the mini-tutorial below.

Mini-tutorial 'How to follow the Early English Blog'

donderdag 17 oktober 2013

Halloween (31st of October)!!!

If you are stuck for lesson ideas for the first week back after the autumn holiday, why not do a 'ghouly' Halloween lesson?
I have justed added a lesson plan for groups 7 and 8 where they have to concoct a magic potion, including some gruesome and disgusting ingredients such as toad warts, phoenix feathers and maybe the tail of a rat!

Groups 1 and 2 can make a silly pumpkin with maybe three noses and only one eye! Groups 4 & 5 might like to design their own Halloween costume and for groups 5 and 6 there are some board games and a variation to 'Battle Ships' called 'Battle Brooms'.

Also check out the following links:


woensdag 9 oktober 2013

First set of materials have been uploaded to the AT Scholen portal!

Finally I have been able to upload the first few letters of the alphabet onto the new Sharepoint portal. You will find the materials by navigating to the 'Early English Topics!' via 'Organisatie', then 'ATI', then scroll to the bottom and you will find 'Early English Topics!'.

I would very much appreciate your comments and input on this new site. Do you find it easy to find the materials you need and is it easy to navigate around the site?
I am sure that 'teething problems' (kinderziektes) can still be sorted out at this point.

I am hoping to have all documents uploaded to the portal by the end of November!

woensdag 25 september 2013

Kinderboekenweek 2013 - Sports

In the absence of our Early English site I have placed some of the Sports materials on this blog for the upcoming Kinderboekenweek. I will see if I have more materials to post as the ones I have put on are mainly activities for the higher groups. 

Sports; Can and Can't    for 6 & 7
Conversation cards for discussing sports    for 7 & 8
Sports; Do, play and Go   for 6-8
Sports; Do, play and Go, powerpoint    for 6-8
Sport picto's   for 5-8
Q & A about sports   for 7 & 8
Sports; he/she/we   for 6-8
Likes and dislikes; labels   for 6-8
Likes and dislikes; figures  for 6-8
Worksheet;Sentences for making a mini-book or just worksheet  6-8
Sports; 'Can' - Zig-zag book    for 4-5

maandag 16 september 2013

Encryption added to Early English Curriculum and Framework

In order to download the Early English Curriculum and Framework you are required to enter a password as they have been encrypted with a special code.

You can obtain the password by sending an email to i.gill@atscholen.nl.