donderdag 17 oktober 2013

Halloween (31st of October)!!!

If you are stuck for lesson ideas for the first week back after the autumn holiday, why not do a 'ghouly' Halloween lesson?
I have justed added a lesson plan for groups 7 and 8 where they have to concoct a magic potion, including some gruesome and disgusting ingredients such as toad warts, phoenix feathers and maybe the tail of a rat!

Groups 1 and 2 can make a silly pumpkin with maybe three noses and only one eye! Groups 4 & 5 might like to design their own Halloween costume and for groups 5 and 6 there are some board games and a variation to 'Battle Ships' called 'Battle Brooms'.

Also check out the following links:

woensdag 9 oktober 2013

First set of materials have been uploaded to the AT Scholen portal!

Finally I have been able to upload the first few letters of the alphabet onto the new Sharepoint portal. You will find the materials by navigating to the 'Early English Topics!' via 'Organisatie', then 'ATI', then scroll to the bottom and you will find 'Early English Topics!'.

I would very much appreciate your comments and input on this new site. Do you find it easy to find the materials you need and is it easy to navigate around the site?
I am sure that 'teething problems' (kinderziektes) can still be sorted out at this point.

I am hoping to have all documents uploaded to the portal by the end of November!