dinsdag 20 augustus 2013

Early English website off line (thanks hackers!)

The Early English website is currently unavailable thanks to a cyber attack in the last week before the summer holidays. This means that none of the resources and materials are available at the moment. The people from systeembeheer are working on it so as soon as we are back in business I will let you know via this blog.

I am in the process of adding at least the curriculum units for all groups to this blog (see the top tabs).

Fingers crossed!

Welcome back!

I hope everyone is ready for a new and exciting school year! 
I always think that summer is over once the schools have started again, but as we had an early summer break luckily there is quite a bit of summer left (weather permitting of course). This also means that a lot of the English lessons can still take place outside. With class sizes getting bigger and bigger and room to manoeuvre for interactive activities is becoming problematic, the great outdoors (with that I mean the playground) is the perfect place for 'getting to know you' games and other running around games.

So, why not take your class outside for their first English lesson?