vrijdag 22 maart 2013

Easter materials have been added to the Early English site

I have added a number of Easter materials and resources to the website ranging from group 1 to group 8.

I also bought two really cute Easter bunnies from Blokker yesterday. You can squeeze the tummy and it will sing the first two lines of 'Peter Cottontail'! If you want a chick instead, it also sings the same song. And that for a mere 3,99 euros! I am normally not too keen on singing stuffed toys, but as it's only for one or two lessons I think I will survive. Enjoy!

Is Twitter the next step for Early English?

I would like to know if people are interested in using Twitter as a form of CPD (professional development). To find out what this means and what it could mean for you, please read the article that was published in the Guardian (click here to go to the article).
I am very much interested in your opinion!

woensdag 20 maart 2013

Games, Games, Games

 It was like Christmas at the office yesterday! 7 big boxes from Amazon had arrived with games for the schools. And I am still expecting more boxes!

Obviously I had a little peek in some of the games and they look like real fun. I hope the children are going to enjoy playing them (and speak a lot of English in the process).

We also had a delivery of 'IPC' books for the Paulusschool. They also look fantastic. It's a mix of Fiction and Non-Fiction around topics such as 'Homes', 'Seaside', 'Rainforest', 'Famous people from the past', etc.

woensdag 13 maart 2013

Exam practice

For those teachers who would like to start preparing themselves for the Cambridge exam, click here to go to the Cambridge English website.
This is a help centre for preparing students for all the Cambridge Exams, and includes free sample papers for you to download. 

dinsdag 12 maart 2013

Sentence of the Week

Miss Kristin has worked very hard writing a programme for 'Sentence of the Week'. By adding one new short phrase each week, children will build up a bank of question and answers sentences they can use in different kind of situations. Don't forget to keep revisiting those sentences!

woensdag 6 maart 2013

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My Word Mosaics!

This morning I found this great website: www.imagechef.com. I know what I'm like and I am very good at forgetting where I find these great resources, so I decided to have a go at creating one myself and placing it on the Blog straight away.
It is really easy and great fun to do. Children in the higher groups can easily make their own mosaic and if they need some more help, they can use a dictionary.