woensdag 20 februari 2013

Months of the year and Celebrations Dominoes

Especially for group 5 but of course also for other groups, I have created a domino game combining months of the year and celebrations around the world. If you log on to the Early English website you can find other resources around this topic as well as a three-week mini-project with lesson plans.

Months Dominoes by

Annual Celebrational Calendar by

donderdag 14 februari 2013

Triptico - a great FREE digiboard resource

Sometimes it is nice to create your own games because they fit in with a project or a topic you are teaching at the moment. Triptico allows you to make your own games, sorting activities, word games, spinners, class surveys, and many more.
The activities you create can be customised to any age group so they can be used in all primary groups.

All you need to do is download the app on your pc, laptop or tablet (for free). Once you have done that you can choose what type of activity you want to create. Everything you make can also be saved and used again.

vrijdag 8 februari 2013

Welcome to the Early English Blog!

In this day and age it is virtually impossible NOT to have a Blog. I just felt I had to join the club of Bloggers, so here it is. I am also not entirely sure what the purpose is going to be of this Blog, but I'm sure together we'll find good use for it. If you have any suggestions of how best to use this Blog, please feel free to contact me! You know where to find me ;)